Christmas Treasures #5

Here they are. The last two Christmas treasures I got.

These dolls are really dressed for spring and summer. Considering we got dumped on with over 2 feet of snow over the weekend, taking a look at these dolls gives me a mind boost.

The lovely dressed for spring, Pretty in Plaid Barbie.

She has the sweetest face. I love ponytail Barbies.

And we have this beautiful doll dressed and ready for summer fun!

Pearl Beach Barbie. Again, another sweet face. I love the "pearls" on the suit!

But take a look at her suit. Then at the back of the box. 

Mattel did another switch-a-roo. Kira is wearing the suit that Barbie has on. I actually like Kira's suit better than the one Barbie has on in this picture. Does anyone have the Kira? Is she indeed wearing the same style but in pink? In all honesty, I think I like Christie's suit the best! :)

So these are the last two that I had under my Christmas tree. I do have one other surprise to show but that will have to wait until next time!

I would also like to announce that I am almost finished with the beach ball painting project! I can't wait to show you. I think it is coming along together pretty good!

Until then!